Tuesday, March 31, 2009

End of Challenge - March

For 5 points, you must have eaten between 30 – 40 grams of fiber daily until March 31.

You were allowed to make up any missed fiber intake over the course of a week, but should not have exceed 60 grams of fiber on any given day. A fiber count each week of between 210 – 280 grams must have been maintained throughout the month to receive the 5 points.

I was doing great with this challenge until last week. Last week I got lazy and I let the 5 points slip away. While I’m sure I managed to eat the required amount of fiber last week, I did not record the details of my diet, more specifically, the amount of fiber I consumed. So I have no way of proving my commitment to the challenge for all 31 days of the month.

I did record my fiber intake for 24 days, and consumed a minimum of 846.26 grams of fiber for the month.

33.4 + 42.75 + 42 + 41.25 + 41.45 + 30 + 44.55 + 45.58 + 51.65 + 44.23 + 40.18 + 24.3 + 32.9 + 32 + 17.9 + 40.6 + 40 + 30.25 + 31.5 + 22.2 + 46.75 + 47.4 + 40 + 29
846.26 g of the total 930 – 1,240 g fiber needed for the month.

The challenge was not as difficult as I imagined. It took a concentrated effort of including more oats and grains into my diet. I already was eating the fruits and vegetables that also provided additional fiber. The Fiber One products (cereal and chewy bars) were the largest source of fiber in my daily diet, and I will continue to include them in my year of loss and health. Aside from being a great source of fiber, they are quite tasty.

I am upset with myself to falling down on the challenge during the last week of the month. I vow to do better next month, and on all the future challenges.

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