Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weeks of Working Out - Nov. 22

Here is a list of the exercise I completed during the past two weeks,
November 9th – November 22nd.
Mondays: rest

Tuesdays: rest

Wednesdays: rest

Thursdays: rest

Fridays: rest

Saturdays: rest

Sundays: rest

Progress Report XXXVIII - November 22

Weight: 208 lbs.
Loss/Gain: - 4.6 lbs.

38 lbs. to Goal (170 lbs.)
9 lbs. to Year-End Goal (199 lbs.)

Exercise Hours: 0 hours

Exercise Distance: 0 miles

October went swimmingly, but November, not so much. That’s not to say that I haven’t lost weight; I have. I just don’t understand how. The past two weeks I have not worked out, and I have not eaten healthily. My caloric intake has been massive (compared to October totals), and I’ve been stressed. Not a winning combination.

Or so it would seem.

Last week I lost 3.6 lbs, and this week 1 lb. I’m getting closer and closer to my year-end goal. Still, I have a feeling that these last 9 lbs. are going to be a beast to unload. Hopefully with almost a week of vacation from work – that is, unless I gain the part-time job I’m interviewing for on Tuesday and start Wednesday or Friday – I can get back in the habit of healthy eating and exercise.

But there is Thanksgiving, and the meals and movies and temptations involved.

Nothing to do but try. And hopefully succeed.

November 15November 22

Oh, and if you’re curious to see my daily nutrition/exercise progress, check out my page on The Daily Plate.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Counting Calories - Week of November 8

2 weeks ago…
Recommended calories to be consumed per day for a moderately active individual at 214.8 lbs with a weight loss goal of 2.7 lbs for the week: 1,789 (day)

Total calories consumed (week) --> Total calories consumed (day)
9,328 (week) --> 1,333 (day)

Net calories consumed (week) --> Net calories consumed (day)
2,225 (week) --> 318 (day)

Calories burned (week) --> Calories burned (day)
7,103 (week) --> 1,014 (day)

Last week…
Recommended calories to be consumed per day for a moderately active individual at 211.2 lbs with a weight loss goal of 2.7 lbs for the week: 1,755 (day)

Total calories consumed (week) --> Total calories consumed (day)
20,382 (week) --> 2,912 (day)

Net calories consumed (week) --> Net calories consumed (day)
19,191 (week) --> 2,742 (day)

Calories burned (week) --> Calories burned (day)
847 (week) --> 121 (day)

Week of November 8…
Recommended calories to be consumed per day for a moderately active individual at 212.6 lbs with a weight loss goal of 2.7 lbs for the week: 1,768 (day)

Total calories consumed (week) --> Total calories consumed (day)
9,800 (week) --> 1,400 (day)

Goals for the Week

Net calories consumed (week) --> Net calories consumed (day)
4,200 (week) --> 600 (day)

Calories burned (week) --> Calories burned (day)
5,600 (week) --> 800 (day)

*All of the calculations are based on averages for the week and day.

Week of Working Out - Nov. 8

Here is a list of the exercise I completed during the past week,
November 2nd – November 8th.
Monday: rest

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: rest

Friday: rest

Saturday: rest

Sunday: WALKING – outdoors at 6:00 AM; 4 mile out-and-back course, with 2 loops around the complex for 4.62 miles; 1:02:41.00 hours; temp of 49 with little to no wind; the entire walk was nice and uneventful; felt great to be back exercising after a week off from any activity; 847 calories burned.

Progress Report XXXVII - November 8

Weight: 212.6 lbs.
Loss/Gain: + 1.4 lbs.

42.6 lbs. to Goal (170 lbs.)
13.6 lbs. to New Goal (199 lbs.)

Exercise Hours: 1:02:41.00 hours (walking: 1:02:41.00 hours)

Exercise Distance: 4.62 miles (walking: 4.62 miles)

Not the best way to start November. I did not follow my diet. I did not exercise. And there was no good reason why I fell back into familiar bad habits. (Well, aside from stress and laziness.)

Monday through Saturday I raided the leftover Halloween candy stash. I also ate McDonalds twice and had pizza one night. I’m sure all of this wouldn’t have been so terribly bad if I’d done the even the easiest of workouts.

I’m just pleased I didn’t gain more weight than I did. Here’s to hoping I can turn things around this week. So far today has gone pretty well.

Here's my last 10 days of calories consumed and calories burned:

Here's my last 30 days of calories consumed and calories burned:

Oh, and if you’re curious to see my daily nutrition/exercise progress, check out my page on The Daily Plate.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Disaster of a Week

This week - at least the first half - has been a total failure. No exercise. A crap-ton of candy consumed. Just poor choice after poor choice. I've already eaten more than my normal week's worth of calories, and that was by Wednesday.

Doing some calculations, it does look like I might be able to salvage some of the week. If I can reign in the calories to my weekly goal of 1,400 a day, while also burning a minimum of 800 calories a day over the next three days, I might be able to maintain my weight. Best case scenario would be a loss of maybe a pound, but I'm not holding out any hope. I thoroughly screwed myself earlier in the week.

It's frustrating how easy it is to fall back into bad habits.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Counting Calories - Week of November 1

2 weeks ago…
Recommended calories to be consumed per day for a moderately active individual at 220 lbs with a weight loss goal of 2.7 lbs for the week: 1,837 (day)

Total calories consumed (week) --> Total calories consumed (day)
9,806 (week) --> 1,400 (day)

Net calories consumed (week) --> Net calories consumed (day)
4,177 (week) --> 597 (day)

Calories burned (week) --> Calories burned (day)
5,629 (week) --> 804 (day)

Last week…
Recommended calories to be consumed per day for a moderately active individual at 214.8 lbs with a weight loss goal of 2.7 lbs for the week: 1,789 (day)

Total calories consumed (week) --> Total calories consumed (day)
9,328 (week) --> 1,333 (day)

Net calories consumed (week) --> Net calories consumed (day)
2,225 (week) --> 318 (day)

Calories burned (week) --> Calories burned (day)
7,103 (week) --> 1,014 (day)

Week of November 1st…
Recommended calories to be consumed per day for a moderately active individual at 211.2 lbs with a weight loss goal of 2.7 lbs for the week: 1,755 (day)

Total calories consumed (week) --> Total calories consumed (day)
9,800 (week) --> 1,400 (day)

Goals for the Week

Net calories consumed (week) --> Net calories consumed (day)
3,850 (week) --> 550 (day)

Calories burned (week) --> Calories burned (day)
5,950 (week) --> 850 (day)

*All of the calculations are based on averages for the week and day.

Progress Report XXXVI - November 1

Weight: 211.2 lbs.
Loss/Gain: - 3.6 lbs.

41.2 lbs. to Goal (170 lbs.)
12.2 lbs. to New Goal (199 lbs.)

Exercise Hours: 7:56:08.25 hours (walking: 6:42:32.20 hours; running: 1:13:36.05 hours)

Exercise Distance: 37.41 miles (walking: 29.41 miles; running: 8 miles)

This was another great week for me with regards to exercise and weight loss. I did have ambitious plans of fitting in 50 miles of exercise distance, but with two days of rest it was impossible to accomplish. Still, I’m pleased with the amount of exercise I did manage. (I had a run Saturday of 4 miles at a pace of 8:44 minute/mile – one of my best runs in the past few years!)

I also managed to meet my calorie goals for the week. Actually, I blew them away. And that might not be a good thing – there is only so much of a calorie deficit a body can handle. I did only manage to lose 3.6 lbs., down quite a bit from last week’s 5.2 lbs., and it’s frustrating because I ate less and worked out about the same, but it’s still a loss, so I can’t complain too much.

November is a new month, so I’m going to try different approaches to the calorie goals and weight loss expectations. Some of this will come with the change in weather and some will come with an increase in workload. My hope is to maintain a large weekly weight loss (at least 2.7 lbs.) while also getting a bit more than 1,400 calories a day.

October was a bang-up month! I ended up losing 21.2 lbs. over the month, for an average weekly weight loss of 4.5 lbs. And check out my graph for calories consumed and netted over the course of October.

Oh, and if you’re curious to see my daily nutrition/exercise progress, check out my page on The Daily Plate.