Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Flaky

I flaked out on my uncle and our weekly bike ride tonight. I am at home busily working, but I did promise I'd be there tonight to ride. I didn't do my work Monday (or over the past 2 weeks) and it's back to bite me - and my plans - this evening.

I just couldn't see any way to accomplish what needed to be done tonight and still find the 2 hours of time for the ride and travel to and from Kyle's Bikes.

So, public apology: Steve, I'm sorry I couldn't make the ride tonight.

I will try to get a short walk in tonight - it'll be cold (and I deserve the discomfort of a chilly, windy workout), but manageable - if I can just force myself out the door.


Steve Shaver said...

There were only two of us riding tonight but ride we did.I think it was the Cadence video but I'm not sure. It was 65 minutes long. I have two more weeks of rides before the knee so maybe we can hook up next week.

Escape Pirate said...

I hope so. I really do feel bad about skipping tonight.

The wind is howling outside. I think I may just stay in tonight; keep from blowing away for good.