Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random Challenge - Week of Feb. 8

This one was coming ever since I decided to create this record of loss and health. In honor of H20 Hydration Month – it is time to do the unthinkable: cut out the Diet Coke, at least for a week. (Although, in all honesty, during this past week in my attempt to drink more water, I completely forgot to drink any pop until Saturday when I realized I hadn’t had a drink and then order a Diet Coke with my pizza.)

So, here’s the Random Challenge, for 1 point:

During the week of February 9th – 15th, you must cut out any pop (or soda, for Steve) from your weekly libations (drinking). Include your success of this challenge in next week’s progress post.

And remember, anyone can come up with Random Challenges. Just email, or post in the comments, and I’ll put them up for all. Only one Random Challenge per week though.


Steve Shaver said...

I live on Diet Coke. This is really going to be hard for me.

Steve Shaver said...

I'm out! The Diet Coke was calling to me and I failed.

Ryan said...

Oh Steve, one day?!? That's alright. I'll still be your friend.

I've seen Josh give up his Diet Coke about fifty times. I don't think it'll ever be gone for good...

Escape Pirate said...

Sorry to hear you buckled under so soon. C'est la vie.

This isn't about giving Diet Coke up forever; it's simply a one week challenge designed to help decrease the reliance on fluids not as healthy as water. It will always be a part of my diet.