Monday, February 9, 2009

Fitness Walk - Feb. 9

Is nice when the weather changes from a forecast of showers into the sunny mid-60’s just in time for a workout after work. It was windy, sure – extremely windy from the South – but when you are walking and the temps are nice, it matters not. It was a beautiful thing, this walk. I had a spring in my step and speed in my feet.
Workout: 56:06 minutes; 4 miles; average pace 4.3 mph; walked the route from my place, past Summit and over by Ry’s, then back; did some shoe surgery to remove what I now believe to be the cause of my worst blisters and found the walk so much more enjoyable; everything from legs to lungs felt great; if I’d only had more time and not so much work and company, I’d have made a longer workout of the night.

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