Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Poor Feet (and Leg)

After my 2 hour and 14 minute walk on Sunday, I found my feet destroyed. Blisters. Alaska-sized sonofaguns. And they hurt, bad.

Not that that stopped me from walking another 2 miles Monday night, kept me from biking Tuesday (not that biking really irritated them), or from walking another 2 miles tonight (although it was close – they hurt bad).

I had this same problem over the summer when I was doing some walking and running. I don’t know why, after years of never really having blister issues, I now know – really know – such problems. It could be the shoes, which have always seemed a bit “off” to me. Or it could be that I have rather old, and cheap, socks. I need to find some way to solve my blister problem because I do have high hopes to continue walking, and eventually get back into running, even marathon training. Some research and experimentation are in order.

The leg, you ask? Yeah, I don’t know what was wrong there. I think I must have overextended my knee and strained the muscles and ligaments behind it. But, again, I’m not entirely sure. What I do know, is that after hobbling around Sunday night, Monday, and Tuesday, the bike ride seems to have cured my problem. There’s still a slight twinge of pain – going up stairs, mostly – but I’m pleased to note that it seems to be healing up.

I think I need to lance the blisters, though. Tonight. So that maybe I can stand tomorrow.

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