Sunday, October 24, 2010

He's Back, Bigger than Before (but shrinking)

It's funny what a year off from healthy living can do.

Funny in a sad way because I packed back on all the weight, plus some. I was over 240 pounds a couple of weeks ago. Funny in a great way because I lost a massive amount of weight in just my first 6 days of starting back. And funny in a maddening way because when I look back to a year ago, I was consuming only about 1,400 calories a day and netting a -666 calories after at least an hour of exercise a day, and I know (think) I can't come close to that now.

How do I juggle two jobs, a tendency to eat when stressed (and let's face it, when am I not stressed, depressed, or otherwise moody?), a change in the weather for the poorer, and the other inherent difficulties of losing weight?

The best I can. That's the only answer that I have. The only answer there is.

I was able to follow the suggested number of calories to consume during my first week, and that number only shrinks with each passing week and pound lost. I know what happened in the past, but this is a different time, a different life, and I can only do what works for me now.

This week I add exercise to the mix (outside on the days it isn't raining and doing what I can inside on the days it pours). I can't expect to see weight loss numbers like I saw this week, but at least with the addition of exercise I stand a chance of continuing to lose weight on a weekly basis.

I'm 30 years old now. And it's time to finally be healthy. I'm looking to be down under 200 by year's end. By summer I hope to have met that goal I set a few years back: 169 lbs. and in the best shape of my adult life.

The ball's rolling...

1 comment:

Escape Pirate said...

Okay, so I wasn't thinking straight (lack of calories?) when I wrote - whined - about not being able to match that low level of calories a day...duh, I'm already eating fewer calories than now, and have been all week.

When I add exercise it means that I'll be netting negative easily. On the days I get to put in a good workout. Which won't be every day, but it should be enough to still do good.


Starting to get down on myself before I've even really started. STOP THAT!