Loss/Gain: -1.2 lbs.
37.6 lbs. to Goal (170 lbs.)
8.6 lbs. to Year-End Goal (199 lbs.)
Exercise Hours: 27:00 minutes (Perfect Pushups: 6:00 min.; Weightlifting: 12:00 min.; Crunches: 5:00 min.; Stretching: 4:00 min.)
Exercise Distance: 0 miles
Starting with December 1st I’ve been doing a better job following the diet that was working so well for me during the month of October. This week I also began a pushup and crunch routine, along with some weightlifting. This didn’t add up to a lot of exercise time, but did make my arms and chest extremely sore. They are feeling better now after a week of strain, and it is my hope to keep this program up throughout the month of December to see what kind of results I’ll achieve.
But, if I want to reach my Year-End weight loss goal I’m going to have to step it up in the cardiovascular department. I need to get back out walking (and running) nearly every day. Without that larger calorie deficit, I will not be able to lose the 8.6 lbs. I have left in the remaining 25 days.

Oh, and if you’re curious to see my daily nutrition/exercise progress, check out my page on The Daily Plate.

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