Loss/Gain: + 5.4 lbs.
40.2 lbs. to Goal (170 lbs.)
Exercise Hours: 25:37.51 minutes (walking: 25:37.51 minutes)
Exercise Distance: 2 miles (walking: 2 miles)
March Wellness Challenge progress: 33.4 + 42.75 + 42 + 41.25 + 41.45 + 30 + 44.55 + 45.58 + 51.65 + 44.23 + 40.18 + 24.3 + 32.9 + 32 + 17.9 + 40.6 + 40 + 30.25 + 31.5 + 22.2 + 46.75 + 47.4
258.7 g of the 210 – 280 g fiber maintained weekly for the month.
777.26 g of the total 930 – 1,240 g fiber needed for the month.
The daily wellness logs did little in the way of discouraging me from my lapse into poor nutritional choices. At the start of the week I was extremely discouraged by this, but as the week went on, I came to terms with these two weeks of weight gain. Am I happy about it? Hell, no. But I will do better.
The thing I have to remember is that two weeks does not – should not – destroy all the progress I’ve made so far this year. As resistant to the thought as I was, I probably did just burn myself out with the massive amount of exercise and strict diet of the previous ten weeks.
This week I start back to work from vacation, and the routine should help me get back into the good habits I was developing. This time, in moderation. I will go back to daily exercise, but maybe not to the extreme of hours per workout. I’ll also watch the growing portions and unnecessary snacking I’ve become accustomed to over the past two weeks. (And honestly, the headaches and indigestion are most likely due to the complete turnaround in nutritional choices I made over the past couple of weeks – few, if any, fruits and vegetables and an increase in sugars and caffeine.)
I’m flying the health and wellness flag again. One step at a time, pirate.

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